YOU are already Ah-Mazing!
Isn't it time your life caught up?

I think your life may look something like this right now.
You get out of bed grumpy because you overslept and missed your morning workout. You wrestle with clothes that don't fit. Are they shrinking in the wash?
You have yet another meeting with your boss who tells you AGAIN there is no room for movement or promotion. You are bored with this role and craving a new challenge. You know you can contribute more if only someone will give you the opportunity.
You wonder if you should do some further study. Or find a mentor. Or just ditch this place and find a new job. Maybe start that business you've been thinking about.
You realise your healthy eating plan has just gone out the window when you throw a slimey burger down your throat at lunchtime whilst you work at your desk. You vow to make your lunch tomorrow.
6pm already? Race to the supermarket and throw ready made food in basket, silently promising yourself and your family you will leave work on time tomorrow and cook a healthy dinner from scratch.
You arrive home to a mailbox full of bills (shelve that holiday for another year and don't even DREAM of those investment plans). You earn great money. Where does it go? You have no idea.
You welcome your partner home with a distracted peck on the cheek whilst pulling the kids away from the television with one hand and vacuuming with the other. You ask someone to set the table for dinner but no one moves so you do it yourself. You do enough negotiation and conflict resolution at work and can't be bothered doing it at home too.
But why does it feel as you have to do EVERYTHING?

You singledoms can stop being smug. You're checking your online dating account, dreading the next awful date with an absolute jerk then slothing in front of mindless tv whilst continuing to trawl through your work email.....
And I bet the next 30 days are going to be exactly the same.
But if you make a change, this is how it can be 12 months from now.

You sleep so well that so you hit that footpath every morning with energy and enthusiasm. You attend your yoga class EVERY SINGLE WEEK.
You skip into work, on time and excited about the day ahead because you are appreciated, challenged and paid what you're worth. You love connecting with your colleagues, not competing. And what about your boss? She's inspiring, motivating and encouraging - because the boss is YOU!
You have mastered saying "no" to time wasters in an elegant and graceful way. You plan your own day, not anyone else!
You love, love, love where you live and paying for it is a breeze. Want a new pair of shoes every week, honey? Go ahead. You holiday in a relaxing and beautiful place at least once a year - with or without the kids! (oops, did I say that out loud??)
Your love life with your partner is spicy and full of surprises. Haven't met that person who rocks your world yet? You're sure having a good time finding them!
Your household is TEAM FAMILY and everyone contributes. Whilst you sip champagne and have leisurely chats on the phone with your friends (you may have to raise your feet so they can vacuum under you).
Perfectionism??? What a waste of time. You have a life to live!
Sound too good to be true? It's not.
But if you don't do something different, nothing will change.
Do something different, and your life could feel AH-MAZING!

a 12 month online multimedia program that'll take you from feeling stuck, tired and annoyed with your life to living a life that's truly Ah-Mazing!
Average to Ah-Mazing is led by
Coach, Janelle Ryan.
Guess what? I've been you.
I know what it's like to be dynamic and successful one minute, then suddenly feel completely stuck the next! I know what it's like to repeat the same unhelpful patterns over and over again. I compared myself to others, suffering from some self doubt. I lacked confidence in certain areas of my life and put too much pressure on myself to be perfect. I wondered how other people got to be so "lucky". I thought dreams were just dreams and I was powerless to achieve them.
I knew I wanted more, and in the back of my mind I knew I had the power to create it.
BUT I HAD TO MAKE A CHANGE! It was necessary if I wanted to move forward.
I've achieved tremendous, wonderful goals and I couldn't be happier. I've completed higher education, worked in leadership roles I've loved, created lightness in my body, increased in fitness (from zero running to a half marathon), achieved financial stability and enjoy loving relationships.
These successes were not without the usual challenges life throws at us. I also experienced loss of family members, relationship breakdowns and bullying bosses. The skills I'd obtained helped me navigate through the lows along with the highs. This is the true beauty of coaching.
My success, and desire to help others, led to the design and creation of this 12 month program. I have packaged up EVERYTHING you'll need to create your own ah-mazingl life!
This is what you'll receive:
1. 12 modules delivered straight to your inbox once a month with step by step, easy to understand instructions, activities and exercises to help you create your Ah-Mazing life.
No attending class and no overly structured time frame. You have the entire week to absorb the content in the privacy and comfort of your own home......or cafe......or office......the choice is yours.
2. Video and audio presentations and tutorials by qualified and experienced Personal Coach, Janelle Ryan (that's me) for those who wish to watch or listen, rather than read.
No boring textbooks. This is a multimedia course which means you'll be utilising all your senses to absorb and understand the information. You can watch, listen, read or do all three. And I tell stories that highlight the examples in real life situations. My friends tell me I rock at that!
3. Audio interviews with experts in time management, mindfulness, nutrition, career development, health, finance, body image, relationships and more.....
I don't know everything (but don't tell my husband) so I call on these ah-mazing women to share their expert knowledge in their chosen fields. Most are audio recordings so you can listen to them on your walk, commute or whilst you're cooking dinner. Ah, the freedom.
4. Worksheets to help you cement the information and stay accountable.
Guess what? Santa tells me the elves are all on holidays right now, so you are going to have to do some work. I make it as easy for you as I can with downloadable worksheets, checklists, diagrams and other documents to ensure you are on track and up to date. I walk you through every module step-by-step so you always know what you need to do.
5. Downloads of the modules in case you prefer to read, than watch or listen (but I do recommend you shake it up sometimes).
I suggest that you use ALL the tools (video, audio AND documents) but sometimes you are going to have one of those busy months when you just need to cut to the chase. If you need to cut corners one month the documents will take you through all the vital information you need and activities you need to do. No problem.
6. A closed, private Facebook group where you can share your successes, breakthroughs, questions AND more importantly connect with each other.
This the safe and nurturing space where you can connect with others going through the same experience. You also have a direct line to me. Seriously, I'm in there so often you'll probably get sick of me. We chat, we share, I post bonus material, I answer questions and we cheer each other on!
The Modules.

Module 1:
So Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want....
Clarify your vision for your future.
Pretend I'm one of the Spice Girls (Coach Spice? - hey, that could catch on...) and tell me what it is you really, really want. Unsure what that is? Don't worry - we will use visualisation exercises, questioning techniques and more to uncover your inner most desires. Once we know what they are we can really set you up to get the most out of the next 12 months. So exciting!

Module 2:
Shake It Off
Create some physical and emotional space so that vision can materialise.
Now that you know what it is you really want, we are going to make like Tay Tay and shake off all that stuff you do for other people, along with all those silly little tasks that take up too much of your time. We kick stress and burnout out the door and welcome in calm and control. After we shake off the clutter and make some physical and emotional room we can bring in your new life. Not much point making plans if there is no space for them to materialise, is there?

Module 3
Let's Get Physical
Let's get you feeling strong, healthy and full of energy.
Apologies for the mental image of Olivia in her 80's lycra. This month we get you moving. In a way that suits you. If you want to start training for a marathon I've got you covered. Prefer to set up a 10 minute walk 3 times a week - tick! We will cover motivation, nutrition, why diets don't work and how to anticipate and navigate any potential obstacles. Let's get you on the road to feeling great!

Module 4:
Let It Go
Learn how to break through those self doubts that hold you back.
We are now five months into the course and I suspect those annoying voices in your head have woken up and attempting to take charge. "You can't do that!", "You're not smart / good / clever / funny (just insert your own word here) enough to stick to that!", "You'll be failing in no time..." etc. etc. We ALL have those negative voices on automatic loop in our heads. I'll explain why they are there, how they got there and how to kick them out and slam the door shut. We are going to let it all go, just like Elsa.

Module 5:
Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves
Life is so much more fun when you create income doing something you love.
Get out of the job that's lost it's challenge, find the role that suits you and do something you LOVE that creates the cash you want and deserve! We are going to look at where you want to be (promoted, new job, own business) versus where you are now. We analyse the "gap" in the middle and put plans in place to fill that gap. This will get you on the way to your pot of gold. The key here is that whatever it is sister (or brother), you are doing it for yourself!

Module 6: Money, Money, Money
No more living from week to week AND I'll make this traditionally boring topic fun.
​Is money funny in a rich man's world? Interesting that ABBA sang a question they already knew the answer to...... I really wanted to be Anna, but I'm not, so I don't know if money is funny in a rich man's world. I DO know that it's time to stop the confusion about where your money goes, learn a bit more about investing, stop spending on junk (ps. shoes are not junk) and get a plan together so your money problems stop keeping you awake at night.

Module 7: Brave
Increase your confidence so you can go out there and get what you want.
We can all rock some areas of our life, but lack confidence in others. This month I will teach you why you lack confidence in some areas, how to create it and (here's the best bit) how to fake it until it arrives. I have so much material on this you will be strutting out of your house everyday in no time!

Module 8:
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
In love? Want to be? We'll address all things romantic.
So many songs to choose from.....but I thought this most appropriate because looking for love, being in love, losing love, holding onto love drives us CRAZY! This month we'll address all things romantic AS WELL AS the love our friends provide for us.

Module 9:
We Are Family
Can't live with them, can't......let's get those family dynamics working for you.
Like it or loathe it "you are fam-i-ly". This month it will be up to you to decide if you want to work on your immediate or extended family. Your own family or your out, oops I mean in-laws. What does family mean to you? How to do you want yours to function? Are there any authentic and honest conversations that need to be had, or do you just need to create more time to spend with them? It's all here.

Module 10: Standing in the Hall of Fame
Lead and inspire others.
Are you a current leader in business, industry, social change, teams and/or family? Or are you an emerging leader, with aspirations to become an inspirational leader? In this module we will focus on
leadership styles, how to have courageous and authentic conversations, how to lead with courage and without fear. At work. At home. In your business.

Module 11: Stronger
Build some rock solid resilience!
As the saying goes, 'what doesn't kill us makes us stronger'. True resilience is not barging through life like a bulldozer! Get out of my way - I'm coming through and nothing can stop me! True resilience is knowing that life has it's downs, as well as its ups, and whatever happens you'll be okay.

Module 12: Firework
Celebrate Your Successes
Baby you're a firework. Come and let your colours burst. People who know me know I LOVE a celebration. We'll be having one before you blast off with confidence, poise, clarity and drive.
Join me to take your life from feeling
and receive:
1. 12 multimedia modules delivered straight to your inbox each month
2. Instruction, guidance and support by qualified Coach Janelle Ryan
3. Learnings and insights from experts in their field
4. An online supportive community group

When people ask me what I do for a living I tell them I am a Personal Coach whose main passion is helping high achievers (like you) get out of their own way, align their goals with their actions and create the life of their dreams.
What I really want to say is that I teach people how to convert their dreams and desires into an achieveable and actionable plan and bring forth their confidence to move forward.
What I really, really want to say is that a I watch the most dynamic, incredible, courageous people make amazing changes in their life.
I've watched people change careers, build investment empires, find their soul mate, reconnect with their families, re-enter the workforce after babies or redundancy, convert their hobby into a business, go from couch potatoes to fun-runners, discover their purpose in life, expand their social network, return to formal education (when they thought they were too old), repair relationships, achieve the long dreamed of promotion, get out of debt, become healthier than they ever thought possible, get their time management under control.......there are so many things, I could easily go on and on.
Seriously, people are truly resilient, brave and incredibly smart. One of my favourite moments when working with someone is when they experience their "light bulb" moment. Finally, everything is clear and they have a way forward. The excitement and joy on their faces is my gold, my champagne bubbles, my huge high five.
Frequently Asked Questions
I hear you and I understand....
Who is this course for?
Anyone who is normally a rock star, but may be feeling a little tired or stuck at the moment. ANYONE WHO WANTS TO MAKE A CHANGE TO THEIR LIFE. They are ready to work the hours they want to work, be paid the amount of money they deserve doing something they love, be treated with respect and appreciation by all they come in contact with, make the time to nurture their body and mind, go on a bike ride with their kids, hit a bar with their friends, embark on a loving relationship, have the time to do the things THEY want to do. Anyone who knows they are already amazing - they just need their life to catch up!
Why would I do an online course? They are so impersonal.
I have registered for ecourses myself and some have been unsatisfying, demotivating and a complete waste of time and money. Due to my own experience I am determined mine will be the complete opposite. I will be working with you directly, then connecting with you via a private Facebook group. I am with you the entire way. I'll know your name. For real. If this is still not personal enough for you I suggest you contact me regarding personal coaching packages.
What is your coaching style?
My coaching style is to empower you and build your confidence in a supportive and encouraging environment and I have created a 12 month program that will do just that. I love seeing dynamic people take their life to the next level! This program is not a tired old ecourse which is being rolled out for the fifth or sixth time. Contemporary, current and created by someone who has been EXACTLY where you are today - me. I am so committed to this program, and your results, that I am determined for it to be of the upmost value for you. I am living proof that coaching can change your life. Work with me and we will create the future you want.
I think I can do this myself.
If you love your job and the income you receive, your relationships are all supportive and all nurturing, you experience complete freedom everyday, your mind and body feels strong and vital, you have control over your to-do list, you display calm and practice emotional intelligence 24/7 and if you have complete financial freedom my hat goes off to you. You are living the dream. Keep it up.
I am unsure if I want to pay for a program like this.
If you are prepared to wake up 12 months from now and be in exactly the same place as you are today, then that is your decision. However, if you can see the benefit calling on your courage and in investing in yourself rather than "spending" your hard earned cash (you know there's a difference, right?) then you may wish to take advantage of the value this program offers. Compared to working one on one with a coach, this investment is a steal. Is living a life that brings you freedom and joy comparable another bottle of wine or box of beer? I didn't think so.
How does it work?
Once you have registered you will receive the welcome email outlining your first steps. Once we have you registered and I've met you, you will be able to start on Module 1. Then you will receive a monthly email from me instructing how to open the next module. There will be videos, downloads, audio interviews with experts, worksheets, visualisation exercises, tips and resources for you to use each month whilst goal and action setting. You will have access to me via the private Facebook group.
How much time will I need each month?
I am a coach and coaching is all about taking action. You will be encouraged to set goals and actions around the selected topics every month and some may have more actions to complete than others. The important thing to remember is that you set your own goals and actions (I teach you how to do it) so it's up to you. You are able to download and keep most of the materials so if you fall behind you can come back to it later. Feedback from my past participants showed a minimum of 4 hours was required per month, but they all stated it was dependent on how much time they personally wanted to spend on each topic. It's up to you.
How did you come up with the topics we'll address?
Experience. If we addressed every area of your life the program would run for years and cost you double the price. I have chosen the top areas where my clients (over the past years) have told me they wish to make positive change. If we are covering an area you are already really happy with, you can choose an area of your own. The beauty of coaching is most tools and resources can be adapted to any area of your life.
I'm in! How do I join?
It's really important to me that you are clear on what this course entails. If you are interested in joining email and we'll arrange to have a conversation to see if this course is right for you.

Have a question I haven't answered here?
Email it through to or CLICK HERE
Meet some happy Ah-Mazingers!

Toni Kearney
Melbourne, Australia
"Average to Ah-Mazing was better than I expected. I loved the guest speakers and working through the modules. The live coaching by Janelle complimented the ecourse and created a personal touch which took my experience to a whole other level. The course has taught me how to break through my self doubt - which is more than changing negative self talk into positive self talk - it is actually believing it! My thinking is now aligned with my values and I have achievable actions in place to reach my goals. I have gained a healthier and more positive mindset and I have the tools to implement whatever it is I want to achieve. I feel fitter and healthier, my relationships are flourishing and I have a clear career path. I recommend Average to Ah-Mazing to anyone who wants to work on multiple areas of their life, learn about themselves, and receive the tools that bring out the best you can be."
"The Average to Ah-Mazing e-course was a privilege to be a part of. The program focused on fantastic techniques to help me through various aspects of my life such as relationships, self worth and saving money. I really enjoyed the curriculum and found it very informative. I now look forward to goal setting and being the best person l can be from this program. I felt at ease listening and sharing my experiences with others in the group. Janelle is a gorgeous person inside and out. Her selection in guest speakers was fantastic and specific to each topic. She has a warmth about her that is fabulous and comforting and I would definitely recommend this e-course to others. Thank you again Janelle."

Marcia Stephens
Seattle, Washington, USA

Melbourne, Australia
"I found the Average to Ah-mazing course truly amazing. As always, you get out what you put in to anything of this nature and Janelle is definitely setting us up for success. The modules were well structured with help to set goals and then constant revisiting the goals to ensure we were on track. The worksheets were easy to use and well set out and you can work through at your own pace, which was perfect for me. Janelle’s recordings each month meant I could listen to her on my walk to work or when I walked the dog or when I cooked breakfast - no excuses for not finding time! My favourite though was the inspirational recorded interviews Janelle provided some amazing women who are experts in their field. These interviews interwoven with Janelle’s personal stories really brought the topics to life and at times resonated with me so much so that I can truly say the Average to Ah-mazing course has impacted my life more than I thought was possible. If you want to make changes in your life, I highly recommend this course."
"I have just completed the Average to Ah-Mazing ecourse. I have explored different areas of my life and made some great insights. I have learned new skills and techniques to help me achieve my goals and overcome obstacles. I feel much more confident that if I follow the processes Janelle has shared and break things down, I have the capacity to find answers myself - in the past I would have looked to others for these answers. I enjoyed the interviews with the guest speakers which helped me think about things in different ways. Interacting with Janelle and the other amazing ladies on the course via the private Facebook page made Average to Ah-Mazing really special. It helped keep me accountable, I felt supported and I loved the connection I experienced with my fellow "Amazingers".
I would highly recommend the course, the hard work is certainly worth it!"

Shropshire, UK

Nicola Arnold
Melbourne, Australia
"I never got a book on how to ‘Be an Adult’ when I moved out of home. Sure, the basics are obvious – work, pay bills, pay rent, find partner, start family. It’s what we mimic from watching our parents be adults, but we are never actually sat down and taught. Sky High’s Average to Ah-Mazing is a great way to work out “How to Adult’. Through the course, I have been able to break down my broad ideas into small, achievable goals, making it less daunting. Within the first three months I had 2 job interviews, started cycling to work twice a week (10km journey one-way), had some frank and honest conversations with those I love, spent some quality time with my husband, and changed my attitude towards spending. I think that is pretty Ahmazing! Most of all, I have realised that although I was never given the handbook on how to be a grown-up, I didn’t need one. The Average to Ah-Mazing course helped me tidy up my life, and realise that through setting the right goals and being honest with myself, my life can be pretty awesome!! It has been a wonderful and positive experience, and has certainly set me up with skills I can use for the rest of my adult life!"
"I found Sky High Coaching through a free online program Janelle ran on Facebook last year. It was fun and the content of value, so when I saw Average to Ah-Mazing advertised I didn't hesitate in signing up! I was aware the area of my life that needed addressing was my career, as after being made redundant last summer and accepting a role in a smaller company I had grown increasingly frustrated knowing I am capable of more. Creating a a vision board and reviewing my values made me realise that I needed to work for a company with similar values to my own - and in the space of the first 10 weeks I had achieved my goal of securing a new dream role!! I loved the weekly tasks. All of the guest speakers are informative and relevant. I loved the group chat and thank my fellow Ah-Mazingers for accommodating my 10 hour time difference and their support. I plan to use the tools I have learnt from Janelle in setting and reviewing goals, banishing self doubt and having a can do attitude to live the best life possible! I would highly recommend A2A and working with Janelle at Sky High Coaching to anyone with a goal they are struggling to achieve."

Jill Whitwell
Northants England

"Average to Ah-Mazing helped me focus on key issues in my life; develop a plan to tackle them and move forward. Since completing Average to Ah-Mazing I have started a fantastic new job and been interviewed on radio about a volunteer role I hold. A2A helped me identify goals and develop the skills I needed to embrace both. The materials and presenters are fantastic. It’s a warm and supportive space to work in with practical information and the push to get me started. Very happy - Thanks!"
Melbourne, Australia
Remember, YOU are ah-mazing already.
It's time for your life to catch up!
BONUS Guest Speakers
A secret that I will never ever tell my husband is that I don't know everything. I have my superpowers and talents and others have theirs.
Imagine if you could spread your arms wide and tap into all the expert knowledge you could find to transform you life from feeling average to ah-mazing.
Imagine spending time every single week with life and career coaches, a financial planner, a psychologist, various wellbeing experts, a nutritionist, a naturopath, a dietitian, an organisational expert. A group of down to earth "real" women who are all teaching you how to take your life to the next level.
You'd feel like a superstar!
But unless you are a Kardashian, you probably don't have the time or the budget to make that happen.
It would be so much easier if you could just meet them all in one place.
Which is exactly why I've invited some friends along to join me in helping you upgrade your life from feeling Average to Ah-Mazing.
If you would like to hear some expert insight, advice and knowledge from some incredible women in the comfort of your own armchair (or favourite cafe) then Average to Ah-Mazing is the life transformation course for you.
Let me introduce you to the Transformation Team (drum roll please).......
![]() Wendy BarronMetafit Group Fitness Coach, Personal Trainer & Wellbeing Coach | ![]() Giovanna CapozzaMaster Life Coach, Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence Educator and Mind/Body Expert. | ![]() Eliana ColimodioPersonal Stylist | ![]() Denise ChildsProfessional Organiser | ![]() Jo GnielRelationship Counsellor | ![]() Nicole HealesFinance for Women |
![]() Kate JamesCoach, Meditation Teacher, Speaker and Writer | ![]() Lisa RennAPD/AN (Accredited Practising Dietitian/Accredited Nutritionist) | ![]() Emma TippettNaturopath | ![]() Kate ChristieTime Management Expert | ![]() Bonnie PowerMelbourne Resumes and Perfect Boom LinkedIn Expert | ![]() Sue EllsonLinkedIn Specialist |
![]() Elissa JewelCorporate Health Consultant, Sports Nutrition Specialist | ![]() Kylie PatchettMind, Money & Mojo Coach for women entrepreneurs |
Remember, YOU are ah-mazing already.
It's time for your life to catch up!