is an online experience designed to arm you with all the tools and resources you need to LEAP INTO YOUR NEXT PHASE, AND BEYOND!
Spend 3 weeks with me and emerge with new transformational thinking patterns, mastery over self, new personal rules for success and the ability to create whatever you wish on a daily basis - forever!
Learn how to Quantum Leap into any and every area of your life and spend the next year watching "magic" unfold.

Like you, I am a life-long learner.
I LOVE learning more about myself, my mind, why I behave the way I do and how I can become a master of my own mind and the creator of my own world.
And I have sooo many examples of "out-there, what-the, can-you-believe-it" things I've created time and time again. So have my clients.
The funny thing is I spent, not years, but decades creating when I had no idea how I was doing it. Actually, to be honest, I had no idea I was doing it. Like most people, I moved through life assuming that things would happen to me and I'd navigate them the best I could. My role was to have some goals and take the conventional step-by-step approach to reach them.
And, like most people, if something tripped me up along the way I usually blamed life, or others, or myself (if only I'd been born richer or thinner or with longer legs or in a different city or country or smarter or funnier ..... OR if only I'd made X choice instead of Y choice......you know the drill......)
But 20 years ago something happened. I stopped dabbling in this "self help area" that I'd always loved and started studying mind-mastery. Mastery of our super powerful sub-conscious mind, not just the conscious brain that screams for all our attention.
Then I added some study of natural laws, spiritual laws, physics and universal energy.
And everything changed for me.
I learned how to make Quantum Leaps. Any day. Any time.
Any where.
In this program, I am going to share all my knowledge, experiences, failures, successes with you.
I am going to hold your hand whilst you learn how to LEAP into ANYTHING you wish and make the next chapter of life the most extraordinary to date.
The life your soul is craving.
The life you were born to live.

We are going to spend 3 weeks together, online.
There will be a private space for you to connect with each other and ask me any question you like. I will reply to them all either in writing, by video or audio.
There will be regular online calls with me. You can come along and watch me live OR play it back later. It will be your choice.
There will be practical work, tools and techniques that you can (and will be encouraged to) implement INSTANTLY. We will start upgrading your thinking and your life from the very first moment of the course.
You will receive information and resources that you will be able to use to LEAP into any area for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Your Definite Purpose or Fall in Love: Uncover and understand what it is you're here to do, what you really want in this one precious life of yours and FALL SO IN LOVE with it that nothing and no one could ever stop you from achieving it. Find what you love and be ready to pursue it with ease and grace and flow (no striving or pushing).
The Power of Pursuit: From you purpose we will create your vision. The vision which is not a place to get to, but a place to come from! I will show you how to step into that vision AND step into your day from that place, each and every day. This includes living in 100% in alignment with who you are - something that most people never consider. Once we get this all aligned, the magic unfolds.
Open Your Gifts: There is no one on the planet like you. You are unique and special. It took a lot of organising, on both a physical and meta-physical plane to get you here. You arrived with your very own values, gifts, strengths and skills. We will identify and harness everything you already possess to help you create your vision AND open the gifts you have yet to explore.
Mind Mastery: You'll get your head totally in the game as we work on smashing through any self doubt holding you back AND creating more confidence. You will feel empowered and unencumbered by limited thinking, allowing you to step into your vision with more freedom than you could have imagined.
Energy and Time: We will clearly identify any things, places or people who are draining your energy AND identify those that fill you with energy. You will remove any energy-drainers from your life that are blocking the way to your achieving your vision. I will teach you that 'time' is a concept rather than a constraint and show you how to create more time instantly.
Making Friends with Failure and Adversity: No matter what we do in life, everything is a risk. When we are holding ourselves back from fear of a negative outcome or 'failure', we freeze in our tracks. Fear is a natural and normal part of being human so we need to make friends with it. I'll teach you how the fear part of your brain will do anything to stop your soul from soaring (and is usually quite successful) and how you can laugh in it's face. We'll deal with feeling uncomfortable, not knowing the outcome of situations and trying to control everything around you. The world is supposed to be in chaos - it's US that try to put it in order.
Just for YOU: This is only the outline..... additional trainings and resources tailored to the group will be created as the need arises.
All at your own pace: This is self-paced program. You work through the information in your own time. If you play along with me, from day to day, you'll be quantum leaping by September! If life gets in the way, don't worry I've got you. You have access to the information long after the program ends so there is no rush.

A new and different YOU - you will not be the same person you were before you started the course.
All the resources available to create quantum leaps in your life, career or business for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
More confidence.
A clear vision for the future - one that has come from the inner you.
Mastery over your mind - you will have a clear understanding of what your beliefs are and whether or not they are limiting you. You will understand the reasons and basis of self-doubt and how to overcome it.
FREEDOM TO CHOOSE AND CREATE. Love, money, health, relationships, career opportunities, soul-mate business clients, community projects.....once you understand YOU are the creator of your destiny the world is your oyster.
New friends. I am regularly complimented on my community. They are AMAZING people.
More time (yes, it IS possible!)
Lifetime support from me. Once you are with me, well, you're kinda with me. I never stop supporting my clients.
Training videos, audios, journalling prompts (to lift the veils you live behind), answers to all your questions. All the resources will remain accessible to you once the program is complete.

You are one DYNAMIC individual.
You have some of 'it' going on.
Great friends and family, fulfilling career, blooming business, amazing health and wellness, romantic and sexy soul-partner, more than you'll ever need in your bank account but you know there is more potential within you and you want to grasp more of life with both hands.
You are a life-long learner with a deep understanding that YOU are your greatest investment.
You love to up-level.
You surround yourself with people who love and support you.
You crave someone to CHALLENGE you.
You love EXPANDING YOUR MIND - digging deeper, peeling back the onion layers, lifting the veils you had no idea you viewed life from behind (until one of them lifts, of course).
You know the thinking that got you "here" is not the thinking that will get you "there".
You are a leader in your field, industry, business, community or family.
You know that you have so much more to give to this world and are ready for a deeper exploration of self.
Your time is fully allocated but you know that TIME FOR YOU BENEFITS YOU which ripples out to everyone around you.
You have experienced coaching before and would love to continue or 'remove another veil'.
You have never had coaching before and would love to dip your toe in.
You enjoy learning online, at your own pace.
You enjoy being part of a community - you are unafraid to share your fears and desires with others.
You do not need accountability - you are an independent, self motivated learner.

Your mind is closed to quite contemporary principles and concepts.
You are not open to learning how to use the unseen forces around us.
​You do not like learning online.
You prefer it when someone keeps you accountable, otherwise you just won't do the work.
You would prefer to have real face-time with me.
If you said YES to any or all of the above, a mastermind or private coaching may be for you.
CLICK HERE to explore.

I've said it before and I'm going to say it again.
Your spirit wants you to soar whilst your mind wants to keep you safe.
These are things you need to know before you decide whether or not to join us.
This is not a time-based program. You are not required to turn up anywhere at any allocated time. The trainings are live and recorded by video or audio or in writing and you can watch, listen or read whenever is best for you. You cannot 'fall behind' in this program. It is designed so you can work through it at the pace that is perfect for you. So if you travel for work or have an active family or are home-schooling your kids or a fun and full social life, you're covered. Of course you can join us live and in the moment - the choice is always yours.
This program is extremely affordable. Whilst we NEVER cease believing in abundance (especially in this program), we also want to make this course as accessible to as many of you as possible.
Are you ready? So often I'm asked how we know if our mind is giving us a message of truth or an excuse or 'reason' to keep us in a safe or contracted space. For me, it's all about how I feel. Sometimes I don't feel ready for something and I tell myself ALL the 'reasons' it's not for me BUT deep down inside I feel the butterflies, the fluttery of excitement. The message from my soul which says "it's time to expand".
Will this program work for me? In all honesty, what you put in to any program is what you receive. EVERY concept and resource I present is a life-changing one. Whether or not it changes YOUR life, is up to YOU. Scroll down to read about my clients' achievements and results if you are curious. They are all extraordinary people - just like you.
"Things have happened to me that I honestly believe would not have....."
"I absolutely loved the Taking the Leap course. Things have happened to me that I honestly believe wouldn’t have if hadn’t started on this journey.
I can only imagine what else will happen as I continue to focus on quantum leaping. I am grateful that the tools are all still there for me to utilise when I catch a breath!
Janelle is amazing! Statement and Fact. Taking the Leap helped me define my vision and turn that vision into a reality. For example I haven’t run for 3 years and now I’m running again even though I literally have every obstacle stopping me. I found time even though I have no time - go figure. Running was part of my vision.
But the part I'm most proud of was being offered a new DREAM role, within 3 months of completing this course.
The community was great, everyone was very supportive and trustworthy and it was clear we all wanted each other to succeed.
Thank you Janelle, your positivity, knowledge and expertise are incredible and I’m sure this won’t be the last time I work with you."
Teena, Adelaide, Australia
"If you want to stop 'striving' and start being in flow...then this is the course for you."
"I took the leap by signing up this program and am really grateful that I did because it helped me to become clearer about what I want and go towards it with courage. For me the Taking the Leap was about diving into a safe space, with Janelle guiding us to tap into our deeper truths and leaping into our own power.
I've felt that I've lived life very safely and often fall back to my comfort zone. This course was about waking up to who I am, what I want out of life and finding my stride. Janelle helped us to see ourselves and our situation from a different perspective and gave us the tools to help us manifest our vision for our lives.
The group is full of inspiring people, putting the tools to use and achieving goals. It's a community of people who share in their struggles and cheer on each other's success. We are all on our own journeys and there is no judgement.
If you want stop 'striving' and start being in flow with your values to manifest your vision, then this is the course for you!"
Tahntip, Melbourne, Australia
"If you are looking for next level personal growth, I have no hesitation recommending Janelle..."
"Quantum Leap Anyone?
I thoroughly enjoyed Janelle’s 6 week group coaching program. Her insights, wisdom, passion and
facilitation shone through and she imparted an abundance of information for my and the groups
next level growth.
As a firm believer in manifestation and life by design, I loved how Janelle shared her experiences and knowledge about quantum physics and the notion that if it is from us, then it is for us. The tools, activities and guidance provided, not to mention all the extras, was very much appreciated and really helpful. If you are looking for next level personal growth, then I have no hesitation in recommending Janelle Ryan to you."
Karolina, Melbourne, Australia
"If you are ready to get unstuck and smash through some 'stuff'.... I can highly recommend Taking The Leap."
"If you are ready to “get unstuck” and smash through some “stuff” that is holding you back in any area of your life then I can highly recommend TAKING THE LEAP. Janelle has a wonderful way of sharing her wisdom and teachings through the art of storytelling as well as offering practical tips in every area to equip you with all the tools and strategies you need to create change.
It was fun LEAPING with you Janelle, thank you from the bottom of my heart xx."
Wendy, Brisbane, Australia
"Sometimes it's great to have a safe space to be inspired..."
"Being part of the Taking the Leap program was a chance to form a community of others who under Janelle's tutelage were all ready to explore and share our experiences in becoming more aware of making the best life choices.
Sometimes it's great to have a safe space like this to be inspired and to share experiences and successes. "
Melissa, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
"Almost one year after completing this program I am still LEAPING at amazing speed."
"I have re-discovered the 'TRUE' me and I'm no longer walking around pretending to be someone I'm not. I hold my head up high, I'm confident and strong in my beliefs. Each time I learn something new or unlocking more of my spiritual side (after keeping it hidden for so long) and becoming more in tune with the messages and teachings the universe reveals to me.
I continue to look forward to my future and I truly believe that Janelle was meant to come into my life at the time she did and I would not be where I am today without her.
During our time on earth people come in and out of our lives for a reason and I am forever grateful for having Janelle as a person in my life.
If you ever feel like you want to learn more about yourself or you too have buried things from your past and want to finally face them and move forward then I can highly recommend Janelle and her coaching methods. Thanks Janelle xx"
Susan Fischer, Cairns, Australia