Last week I had the most amazing time at the Happiness and it's Causes conference in Sydney. I spent two days listening to, and learning from, some of the world's experts on how to be happier! If you missed the conference, don't despair! I've done the heavy lifting and I'm excited to share a snapshot of take-aways with you.
See which topic resonates with you the most and consider which activities you can implement into your life.
Dr Kristin Neff encourages us to stop chasing self-esteem and be self-compassionate. When life gets messy, give yourself a self-compassion break:
1. Acknowledge that what you are going through is HARD! 2. Remind yourself that you are not alone - everyone experiences difficulties - it's part of being human. 3. Direct words of kindness to yourself (the same ones you would a friend) and even give yourself a little self-hug
Gillian Coutts, Corporate Mindfulness Expert tells us leadership is in the mind. She says effective leaders are Mindful (present and aware), Compassionate (kind and wise) and Selfless (confidently move past their own ego to see the bigger picture).
Sue Langley is a leading advisor on the practical applications of neuroscience, emotional intelligence and positive psychology at work. She advised us to reminiscence on things from our past that brought us pleasure, saviour it in the present and dream of a wonderful future.
Justin Robinson is a passionate leader in the field of education. He teaches Australian teenagers to focus on what's right - with us, people around us and our world. I love this quote from Justin, "Wellbeing is caught and taught".
His Holiness the Dalai Lama shared his wish for the 21st century to be the century of dialogue and peace. Instead of building walls, we should be opening borders.
Professor Roy Baumeister, one of the world's most influential psychologist, presented findings on his research around what happens when we focus on future dreams and goals. He discovered we are happier when:
1. We focus on the present and fairly near future.
2. We focus on multiple possibilities, not certainties.
3. We have an emphasis on what we WILL do.
4. Our futures are linked to our present.
5. We we make plans to move forward.
Josie Thomson, two-time cancer survivor and award-winning coach told us we are in charge of the energy field that surrounds us - be mindful of who and what we are allowing into that field.
There were many, many more inspiring and informative speakers but I'll conclude this article with my favourite speaker of the conference, Professor Richard Wiseman (as he was hilarious!). Professor Wiseman conducts research projects around the psychology of luck. He told us people create their own luck by the way they think and behave. Lucky people see opportunities. They are more resilient and tend to hold a more long term view of life. If you would like to be more lucky he suggested keeping a luck or gratitude diary. He told us change didn't have to be challenging as long as the changes we make are small.
I hope you've found these bite-sized snippets of value. What can you implement TODAY to feel happier? If would like some more snippets from the conference, let me know and I will write another article.
Janelle Ryan is a Personal Coach, published author, presenter and facilitator who helps high performers create extraordinary lives. Her clients include leaders, Olympians, business owners, entrepreneurs and mums! She was announced as one of Australia's Top 10 Women Entrepreneurs by My Entrepreneur Magazine in 2017. She coaches clients by invitation and referral only.
If you would like some support becoming happier, we invite you to join us at our next half day workshop, BRING YOUR VISION TO LIFE. Limited places are still available in MELBOURNE (July).
Contact Janelle at for further information regarding any of the above or to to find out how she can assist you or your team.