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How to Create More, By Doing Less

Writer's picture: Janelle RyanJanelle Ryan

"If I believed in guilt, I'd be feeling quite guilty right now......" Recently I spoke these words to Handsome Hubby, whilst we were kicking back on our outdoor deck sipping on some drinks. Why? Because I'd just completed my end-of-year report for Sky High Coaching and I'd had the best year I'd ever had, but felt as though I'd done the less amount of 'work' I'd ever done. And I, most likely like you, was conditioned from an early age that Hard Work = Success. On top of that, IF you didn't work hard, you didn't deserve your success. So whilst I was ecstatic that I'd, through my business, impacted more people than ever before in one year, my inner programming - my belief system - was kicking up a bit of a protest. "If only you'd worked harder, look what else you could have achieved....." "You're a fraud. Running a business cannot be this easy. You're doing it wrong. It’s all going to come crashing down." "You couldn't have done this without your husband's financial support." "You're lazy." "You don't deserve success - so many people out there work harder than you do." "You just got lucky." Here's the thing, NONE of the above is true. What IS true is that, after years of trial and error; fears and failures; sacrifice; days I wanted to quit; hours of crying on my couch because it felt so hard and fruitless and dark..... I saw the light. I saw how it COULD be. I realised (with the help of global coaches, teachers and mentors I asked for help) that running my business could be fun and effortless and soul-fulfilling. Instead of striving and pushing, working longer hours, sacrificing time with family and friends; being pushed and driven by FEAR.....there was another way. In reality, I have created my life. I had the best year I've ever had in my business because was now doing the 'right' things, instead of trying to do everything. Over the years I'd learned what worked, what didn't, what lit me up from the inside and what drained me of energy, where to put my focus and what to ignore. I also learned (and still am learning) how to tap into my intuition. If there's one way to fast-track or 'hack' into a life of peace or joy, it's by listening to your soul, your gut - the inner guidance that never leads you astray. You know what I'm talking about, I'm certain you've felt this yourself. Something I can spiral into (as do my clients when they have a huge insight) is 'why didn't I see this before?' When the veil is lifted and something new emerges, it can feel so blindingly obvious! I have to remind myself, and my clients, to celebrate the new realisation and consciously choose what we do with the new information. ANY area of your life can be more fun, effortless and soul-fulfilling. Improving your health, falling madly in love, climbing the career ladder, growing your business, attracting money into your bank account, manifesting more time, creating positive social change in the world, family dynamics, enjoying more freedom. Creating more BY doing less! No matter where you ARE right now. Trick 1 is focusing on the things that work for YOU, and releasing those that don't. Which can be kind of challenging when you are running from one thing to the next, operating from a place of fear or worry. Can't say no. Afraid that if you stop, or slow down, it will all fall apart. I know - that was me. Trick 2 is learning to listen - because your intuition does not yell, it whispers. Both, require slowing down. So I invite you, if you'd like next year to be the best year you've ever had by doing the least amount of 'work' you've ever done, to slow down and ask yourself: 1. What do I choose to focus on today? What do I choose to release? 2. What can I do today to tap into my intuition - the part of me that is waiting (patiently) for me to listen? 3. Repeat tomorrow. Have fun and good luck. As I said earlier, I don't walk alone. I seek others to help me lift the veils I'm shrouded in and I am so blessed that the right person always appears. If you are ready, I would love nothing more than to be your coach, guide, support - to jump into your next adventure with you - to pop the champers when you want to celebrate and be there to catch you if you fall (oh, and we'll celebrate that too!). If this sounds like something you'd like to explore I have some limited private 1:1 coaching places available right now. CLICK HERE for more info and to apply. Until I see you again, stay healthy and safe.


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